
The theme has several reusable components that can be included in page content.

Page components


An accordion for collapsible text


A link button component


Contents to link to sub pages

File download

A link to a file download

Hero image

A hero image at the top of a page


Embedding an image into a page


A notification with a title and message

Phase banner

Add a phase banner to the site

Popular links

Display popular links at the top of the homepage or landing page

Site Wide Alert

Add an alert banner to every page on the site


Embed a YouTube or TikTok video

Warning text

Warning text that stands out from standard content

Navigation components


Adding navigation breadcrumbs to the page

Footer links

Add links to the footer

Main navigation

Add links to the main navigation, including a dropdown

Related links

Add a list of related links to a page

Section links

Adding section links to a landing page