
Basic accordion

To insert a basic accordion, set the title and the content in the include tag.

{% include accordion.html title="Accordion title" content="This is the accordion content" %}

This will output the following:

This is the accordion content

Advanced content

To insert longer, or more complicated content into the accordion, use the liquid capture tag to capture the content and then pass it into the include tag as a variable.

Using capture allows you to use markdown and format the content.

{% capture accordion_content %}
This is my content that I want to include in my accordion.

- List item 1
- List item 2

Some more text _here_ too.

{% endcapture %}

{% include accordion.html title="Advanced accordion" content=accordion_content %}

This will output the following:

This is my content that I want to include in my accordion.

  • List item 1
  • List item 2

Some more text here too.