
The site is built with Jekyll and uses the _config.yml for site wide configuration.


The site’s title will display in the top left of the header, unless you have set a logo_url. It will also display in after the page title in every page’s meta title tag, which is shown in the browser tab.

title: LocalGovStatic

Logo URL

If you would rather display a logo instead of the title in the header, then set the logo_url to point to the image file. SVG files are recommended.

logo_url: "/assets/images/path-to-logo.svg"

You can set the copyright_name to show as text in the bottom of the footer. Optionally, you can also make the copyright text into a link by setting the copyright_link.

copyright_name: Copyright name
copyright_link: ""

Component Settings

The site wide alert and phase banner are also configured using the _config.yml file. Please see the individual pages for notes on how these work.

Jekyll Configuration

For Jekyll configuration, please refer to the official Jekyll documentation.